
Showing posts from April, 2017
Composition. Guideline 1: The Rule of Thirds Simply put, the rule of thirds helps you get maximum impact in your photos by making sure you fill the image with interesting things. It consists of a 3×3 grid, and the aim is to put your subjects at the intersections of the grid lines and try to really fill the frame. Now I’m not saying there absolutely has to be something going on in every single part of the grid but as a general rule it will make your photos better. “Sognsvann” captured by  Rino Guideline 2: Balancing Balancing can be used alongside the Rule of Thirds to produce photos that are just that little bit different. We’re all used to taking photos where we try to get the focus in the center of the image. The balancing technique puts this focus somewhere else, and at the same type adds some other interesting elements to the image. “llocos” captured by  John Sacriz Guideline 3: Viewpoints & Angles You might have heard the quot